هذة اللوحة الحجرية تعود للعام 900 قبل الميلاد وهي لوحة حميرية ترجمة باللغة الكنعانية وهي معروضة بالمتحف الوطني باليمن وتسمى حائط النبوئة
وهذا عرض لترجمتها للاسف باللغة الانجليزية وهي من التراث العربي لما قبل الميلاد
The Prophecy WallThis stone artifact was once part of a large wall inscribed with the story of the buried Ark and the Queen's son, Menelik. It is only a fragment and was subsequently used as part of another building. Other parts of this "prophecy wall" have been discovered but not yet translated. This stone is on display in the Yemen museum upside-down and has been rotated in this photograph to aid in translation.
The translation above was made by using the original "first tongue" symbols and phonetic sounds. This method proved successful in many ancient ****s from around 900 BC, but differs from the traditional set of symbols commonly attributed to Southern Arabic himyaritic ******s in many ways.
As an experiment, we attempt the translation again using the phonetic sounds attributed to Southern Arabic but continuing to use the proto-Canaanite dictionary of "first tongue." To our surprise we see a similar story being told.
Most significant is the vertical line, which in Southern Arabic ****** denotes a word break or space and has no sound value.
In "first tongue" this is interpreted as a lamed, or L. Consequently, the "first tongue" gimmel symbol, resembling a crooked number seven, is considered the lamed in Southern Arabic.
Other differences are with combined letters, such as the BN and BL which, in "first tongue" are translated as ligatures. In Southern Arabic the BN represents the sound value of "Z" or "Ts" while the BL represents a silent throat sound "s". The BN has been given the Tsadeh/Zayen sound and the BL continues to be silent in this experiment.
If we apply the Southern Arabic method and translate the above artifact using a Hebrew dialect we arrive at the following ****:
The ******, line by line, has been transposed to left to right for easier understanding. Following Southern Arabic phonetics, we have changed the lameds to word spaces, the [BN] to Z (zayen or tsadeh sound), the chet same as kaf, the gimmels to lameds, the [BL] to silent vowels).
ZVaZL -- BN -- LDYATt -- CRVYN -- KCR -- MANM -- BTMNA -- VMANM -- BKL -- TM
NA -- BNYV -- VALY -- VaDDT -- QBRHMV -- ZRBN -- BN -- SRaM -- AD -- PRAN
GM -- BD? -- ZNBY -- VZL -- TALY -- ZALMM -- CZLVMM -- VCYMM -- CKYL -- ?
....M....ZNBY....V....RDM -- RDZV....
...ZVa(tsevah=army) ZL(tsel=shade,protect) BN(iBN=son/prophet) LDY(la'ad=forever)
AT(at- prefix=under-) t(ta=box/cell) CR('acar=ugliness) V(and) YN(o'yen=hostility)
KCR(afterwards) MA(aMa=mother/nation) NM(nam=spoke BTM(ba- =to the/about tam=the end) aMa=the nation)
NA(na'=prayed) V(and) MA(aMa=the mother) NM(nam=spoke)
BKL(</I>ba-</I>=in the/about kalah =fonished/expired) TM(tam=end/eventuality)...
...the army to protect the son's underground chamber forever but afterwards there was ugliness and hostility and the mother spoke about the end. The nation prayed. The mother spoke about the final eventuality... ---
NA (na'=to pray) BN (to know) YV (yo'vo=enemy) V (and/but) ALY (overhead)
VaD (ved=to make sure) DT (at the appropriate time) Q (EL=the lord) BR (chosen, worthy)
H (the) ZR (tsar=unfortunate) BN (prophecy) BN (understood) SR (trouble)
aM (aMa=mother's) AD ('ad=forever) PRAM (par'am=ripped apart/torn)
... pray to foresee the enemy overhead and be sure that, at the appropriate time, the unfortunate prophecy that ripped the the mother/nation apart forever is understood... ---
GM(gam=also) BD? (unreadable) ZN(tson=flock) BY(entreating) V(and/but)
ZL (tsel=shade,protect) TALY(depending on the...) ZaLM(tsalem=likeness of, similarity to)
LMM(le'oomeem=people,nationality) Cz(cazeh=such as this is) LV(lav=not) MM(amamee=popular) V(and/but) CYM (kayam=existing, current) M(aMa=nation)
CK(asak=dealt in/invested in) YL(yonee=nothing)
...also (unreadable) entreating the flock to protect depends on the similarity of the people/nation and this is not popular. The present nation/people invested nothing...
V(and/but) ZVa(tsavah=army) N('n=where is) CB(hidden) RQ(except to)
M(aMa=nation/mother) ??(untranslated) VV(hook of tabernacle curtain) P(poh=here) DM(blood) CD(kd=code)
C(this) KT(keet=infantry) V(but/and) YH(Yah) R(ra'=poorly)
ZL(tsel=protect) C(this) ZVa(tsaveh=army) N('n=where is) V(and/but) SH (shah=lingered)
RM (ra'am=to thunder) ...
...and it is hidden from the army, except from the mother. This infantry took here a 'blood oath' (literally **** mentions VV which represents the hooks holding up the tabernacle and also a ****phore for a group holding up protection and secrecy to protect the Ark, and DM- blood CD- code) but they protected Yah poorly. Where is this army? And thunder lingered...
CAST(kashot=harshly) R(ra'=poorly) V(and/but) HV(to give) KN(thus far)
CM(sam=nothing) C(thus) YN(ayeen=nothing) T(ta=box/cell) Q(EL=the lord)
D(to know) MV(movee=dwelling place) MH(mahee=what is it?) K(only) V(and/but)
M(aMa=the nation's/mother's) BNY(banay=builder/mason) QBRN(kabran=gravediggers)
LZ(lets=joker/jester) BN(ibn=son/knowledge)
...harshly and poorly but thus far they gave nothing [gave no information] thus nothing was known of the whereabouts of the only dwelling place of the lord's box and the mother's building masons and gravediggers fooled [gave disinformation] their knowledge... M(aMa=nation's/mother's)...ZN(tson=flock) BY(entreating/my)...V(and/but)...
...?R (unreadable) DM(blood/tears) RD(tremble) ZV(anger)...
ارجو من الاخ الوليد الترجمة للدقة بالموضوع

وهذا عرض لترجمتها للاسف باللغة الانجليزية وهي من التراث العربي لما قبل الميلاد
The Prophecy WallThis stone artifact was once part of a large wall inscribed with the story of the buried Ark and the Queen's son, Menelik. It is only a fragment and was subsequently used as part of another building. Other parts of this "prophecy wall" have been discovered but not yet translated. This stone is on display in the Yemen museum upside-down and has been rotated in this photograph to aid in translation.
The translation above was made by using the original "first tongue" symbols and phonetic sounds. This method proved successful in many ancient ****s from around 900 BC, but differs from the traditional set of symbols commonly attributed to Southern Arabic himyaritic ******s in many ways.
As an experiment, we attempt the translation again using the phonetic sounds attributed to Southern Arabic but continuing to use the proto-Canaanite dictionary of "first tongue." To our surprise we see a similar story being told.
Most significant is the vertical line, which in Southern Arabic ****** denotes a word break or space and has no sound value.
In "first tongue" this is interpreted as a lamed, or L. Consequently, the "first tongue" gimmel symbol, resembling a crooked number seven, is considered the lamed in Southern Arabic.
Other differences are with combined letters, such as the BN and BL which, in "first tongue" are translated as ligatures. In Southern Arabic the BN represents the sound value of "Z" or "Ts" while the BL represents a silent throat sound "s". The BN has been given the Tsadeh/Zayen sound and the BL continues to be silent in this experiment.
If we apply the Southern Arabic method and translate the above artifact using a Hebrew dialect we arrive at the following ****:
The ******, line by line, has been transposed to left to right for easier understanding. Following Southern Arabic phonetics, we have changed the lameds to word spaces, the [BN] to Z (zayen or tsadeh sound), the chet same as kaf, the gimmels to lameds, the [BL] to silent vowels).
ZVaZL -- BN -- LDYATt -- CRVYN -- KCR -- MANM -- BTMNA -- VMANM -- BKL -- TM
NA -- BNYV -- VALY -- VaDDT -- QBRHMV -- ZRBN -- BN -- SRaM -- AD -- PRAN
GM -- BD? -- ZNBY -- VZL -- TALY -- ZALMM -- CZLVMM -- VCYMM -- CKYL -- ?
....M....ZNBY....V....RDM -- RDZV....
...ZVa(tsevah=army) ZL(tsel=shade,protect) BN(iBN=son/prophet) LDY(la'ad=forever)
AT(at- prefix=under-) t(ta=box/cell) CR('acar=ugliness) V(and) YN(o'yen=hostility)
KCR(afterwards) MA(aMa=mother/nation) NM(nam=spoke BTM(ba- =to the/about tam=the end) aMa=the nation)
NA(na'=prayed) V(and) MA(aMa=the mother) NM(nam=spoke)
BKL(</I>ba-</I>=in the/about kalah =fonished/expired) TM(tam=end/eventuality)...
...the army to protect the son's underground chamber forever but afterwards there was ugliness and hostility and the mother spoke about the end. The nation prayed. The mother spoke about the final eventuality... ---
NA (na'=to pray) BN (to know) YV (yo'vo=enemy) V (and/but) ALY (overhead)
VaD (ved=to make sure) DT (at the appropriate time) Q (EL=the lord) BR (chosen, worthy)
H (the) ZR (tsar=unfortunate) BN (prophecy) BN (understood) SR (trouble)
aM (aMa=mother's) AD ('ad=forever) PRAM (par'am=ripped apart/torn)
... pray to foresee the enemy overhead and be sure that, at the appropriate time, the unfortunate prophecy that ripped the the mother/nation apart forever is understood... ---
GM(gam=also) BD? (unreadable) ZN(tson=flock) BY(entreating) V(and/but)
ZL (tsel=shade,protect) TALY(depending on the...) ZaLM(tsalem=likeness of, similarity to)
LMM(le'oomeem=people,nationality) Cz(cazeh=such as this is) LV(lav=not) MM(amamee=popular) V(and/but) CYM (kayam=existing, current) M(aMa=nation)
CK(asak=dealt in/invested in) YL(yonee=nothing)
...also (unreadable) entreating the flock to protect depends on the similarity of the people/nation and this is not popular. The present nation/people invested nothing...
V(and/but) ZVa(tsavah=army) N('n=where is) CB(hidden) RQ(except to)
M(aMa=nation/mother) ??(untranslated) VV(hook of tabernacle curtain) P(poh=here) DM(blood) CD(kd=code)
C(this) KT(keet=infantry) V(but/and) YH(Yah) R(ra'=poorly)
ZL(tsel=protect) C(this) ZVa(tsaveh=army) N('n=where is) V(and/but) SH (shah=lingered)
RM (ra'am=to thunder) ...
...and it is hidden from the army, except from the mother. This infantry took here a 'blood oath' (literally **** mentions VV which represents the hooks holding up the tabernacle and also a ****phore for a group holding up protection and secrecy to protect the Ark, and DM- blood CD- code) but they protected Yah poorly. Where is this army? And thunder lingered...
CAST(kashot=harshly) R(ra'=poorly) V(and/but) HV(to give) KN(thus far)
CM(sam=nothing) C(thus) YN(ayeen=nothing) T(ta=box/cell) Q(EL=the lord)
D(to know) MV(movee=dwelling place) MH(mahee=what is it?) K(only) V(and/but)
M(aMa=the nation's/mother's) BNY(banay=builder/mason) QBRN(kabran=gravediggers)
LZ(lets=joker/jester) BN(ibn=son/knowledge)
...harshly and poorly but thus far they gave nothing [gave no information] thus nothing was known of the whereabouts of the only dwelling place of the lord's box and the mother's building masons and gravediggers fooled [gave disinformation] their knowledge... M(aMa=nation's/mother's)...ZN(tson=flock) BY(entreating/my)...V(and/but)...
...?R (unreadable) DM(blood/tears) RD(tremble) ZV(anger)...
ارجو من الاخ الوليد الترجمة للدقة بالموضوع