We believe in all the Prophets and the Messengers.
believe in all the Prophets and the Messengers.
An extremely important book by the eminent scholar Allamah Saaleh al-Fawzaan al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullah).
Translated by Shawana A. Aziz
In this Book
>> Proofs of Prophet-hood
---- The Truthful Prophet is distinguished from a false claimant in many ways
---- Differentiating between Miracles and unusual acts of the sorcerers
>> Infallibility of the Prophets
---- Refuting those who say that the Prophets are liable to approve sins
----- Refuting those who say that the Prophets are infallible from committing any form of sins
>> Al-isra wal-Me'raaj
----- Description of al-Isra wal-Me'raaj from the texts
---- Did the Prophet travel (al-isra) with his body and soul or his soul only?
---- Was al-Me'raaj (Prophet's Ascension) repeated?
>> Universality of the Message of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wasallam) and refuting those who deny it.
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