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قلعة سانت كاترين

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • قلعة سانت كاترين


  • #2

    تحد مدينة شرم الشيخ من الشمال متنزه " نبق" وهى منطقة طبيعية فيها العديد من انواع الكائنات الحية التى تعيش بين اشجار المنجروف.

    اما زوار شرم الشيخ سوف يحوزون على لمحة ثقافية وسياحة دينية وسياحه تاريخية. ففى شرق المدينة يوجد دير سانت كاترين وهو احدى قلائل المبانى المسيحية التى لم يتم هدمها او اعادة تشييدها على مدى قرون فاللدير ارث روحانى يفوق اى تقدير وتمثل الحوائط المعمارية له ورسوماته ووثائقه التاريخية كنوزا لشرعية العالم. وما زال الدير يعمل حتى الآن ليستضيف 22 راهبا من ارثوذكس اليونان.



    شرم الشيخ - سياحة البحر والبر - مـنـتـدى الـعـرب الـمـسافـرون



    • #3
      Sinai - St. Catherine Monastery
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]


      • #4
        The Art of St. Catherine
        Living amidst the isolation of the Sinai desert, St. Catherine's monks had plenty of time to develop their artistic talents, and no objects express their skill better than the thousands of icons they created through the centuries. For the monks, creating icons and mosaics was not only a pastime, but an integral part of expressing their devotion to God. Their efforts to this end were both beautiful and extraordinarily prolific.
        Most of the icons native to St. Catherine were created between the tenth and fifteenth centuries, following a style which has come to be called the "Sinaitic School" of art. Rather than striving for realism, the imagery of this time period typically reflects a strong interest in the power of Sinai's biblical landscape. The school became so influential that many European artists incorporated elements of Sinai's mountainous terrain into their own compositions.
        As the monastery's influence spread throughout the Christian world, it's art collection was supplemented by generous offerings from abroad. Russian czars made significant donations, as did leaders from Crete, Byzantium, and Palestine. The result today is a collection of icons second in size only to the Vatican's.
        [CENTER] [/CENTER]


        • #5
          Set beneath the mountain where Moses is said to have received the Ten Commandments, Saint Catherine Monastery has been one of the world’s great centers of religious pilgrimage for over fifteen centuries. Within its imposing walls rests a citadel like no other, incredibly rich in important religious and historical structures. Among its treasures is a library of ancient manuscripts and icons second only to the Vatican's itself, and a 6th century church reputed to lie directly on the site of the Burning Bush. Quite simply, the monastery is a defining feature of the Holy Land.
          [CENTER] [/CENTER]


          • #6
            Monastery of St. Catherine
            The monastery at the base of Jebel Musa preserves the tradition from the Byzantine period of identifying this as Mount Sinai. Named after a saint who was martyred in Egypt in 307 A.D., the monastery has a library with the second finest collection of manuscripts in the world (after the Vatican), including 3,500 manuscripts and 2,000 scrolls. Most of these are in Greek and were copied by the monks of this monastery. In 1844, the German scholar Friedrich von Tischendorf discovered Codex Sinaiticus here, one of the earliest copies of the Bible (4th century A.D.).
            [CENTER] [/CENTER]

