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The effects of Marib tells the story of Committees of the Kingdom of Sheba and glory

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  • The effects of Marib tells the story of Committees of the Kingdom of Sheba and glory

    Archaeologists assert that the temple of the moon after the completion of Hfryate will be a wonder of the world eighth full of Yemen, many of the tourism resources, whether archaeological, historical, natural, beach, walks toward assume their rightful place on the world tourism map .. which we dealt with part of it in the previous message and the capital Sanaa, and in this letter we continue to talk about the wealth of Yemen in the province of other important historical fill fame prospects because it embraces the effects of civilization of the greatest civilizations the world has known and talked about holy books it is a civilization of the Kingdom of Sheba, which extended back for several centuries in the province of Marib, which we visited in the context of the call precious to follow the events of celebrations of the Republic of Yemen's National Day sixteenth of age Yemeni unity of the blessed. The area was Marib, some 170 km east of the Yemeni capital Sanaa, the capital of the Kingdom of Sheba, the birthplace of the oldest ancient civilization known in South Arabia, Kingdom of Sheba, which was the fundamental basis of civilization Yemen's old because it was considered Himyarites extension integral to the Kingdom of Sheba, which dominated the whole area of the southern Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea and even parts of Eritrea and Ethiopia, eastern Horn of Africa. known Sbion their talent in the field of trade and knew the bold art of fighting, and they worship the planets without God, and that is the news Great, who returned by the Hoopoe to Prophet Solomon when he passed through the Kingdom of Sheba and found its people worship the sun, and control a woman is the Queen Bilqis to which the Prophet Solomon to intervene in the religion of God, Fterddt and ordered a gift perhaps reveal the true intent and is it really a prophet or just greedy in the Kingdom Saba, who lived brightest stages of advancement and civilization of the Kingdom, which ruled the Shura Council and applied democracy thousands of years ago where it did not go in order to act with our Lord Solomon only after Haort her people, she said (she said O public Avtona in my situation what you unequivocally is even witnessing) that After that relate to a Prophet Solomon (he of Solomon and that the name of God that no Talo Ali and Atoni Muslims) and the Queen said Balqees As mentioned on the tongue in the Holy Quran (if! kings, when they entered the village of ruin and made ​​the noblest of its people submissive and they do). So That is the Kingdom of Sheba and Queen Bilqis mentioned in the Scriptures, including the Koran was the history, culture, civilization and Arab glory in the south of the Arabian Peninsula over tens of centuries, but it turned into mere myths and tales Frequently mentioned on age narrators example Marib Dam Great, who was one of the About 80 dams in the Kingdom of Sheba shift after a barrage Aerm to the legend with the exception of a small part of the wall mass remains upright when the west bank of the valley land Gantin, and the others of the features of the Kingdom of Sheba has Tmaha stream Aerm and crawled by sand dunes desert Tdvinha to different depths and turned them into mere Legends of researchers are trying to guide them through and connect from the manuscripts and some ancient inscriptions and especially during the nineteenth century. and remained Marib, the cradle of human civilization giant older than three thousand years, and has been a land of legends and stories but today, Yemen, at the threshold of the third millennium we find in the case of open it in labor real want to put her pregnancy and reveal the treasures of Sheba and donkeys, which faded for thousands of years in the subsoil where the mixed reality myth, and almost the excavations continued on the effects that the transformation of myth into reality on the ground, and that is what has recently been having team completed an archaeological German belonging to the Berlin Institute for the effects of dredging and excavation and restoration to the throne of Bilqis throughout the 13 years ended last November and was celebrated officially memory of the third millennium to build a throne of Bilqis Temple of the Sun. throne Balqees did not want time and date remain the throne of Bilqis just a myth which is the archaeological site months between the effects of Yemen known Boamdth five and Sixth column is broken it until the year 1988, stands amid sand dunes surrounding it, ignorant man that hides underneath the exception that the Yemenis have used images of those columns as a national symbol important to the country of Yemen Vtsdrt Bulletin, featured painted in banknotes and on postage stamps , and covers of some of the history books of Yemen. singing poets and creators Yemeni throne biblical, and have been watching the resurgence of the Temple of the sun and the brightness of the sun civilization of Saba, donkeys, since 1888, sacrifice known to the researchers that the throne of Bilqis label popular temple of Spi is the traveler Austrian researcher Edward Jlaser first without inscription Spia Drilling on a column temple in the Covenant Sbi mediator and talk inscription on the temple Sbi Almqh, the Lord of the temple, Pran and warn anyone who tries to loot the treasures of the temple silver idol and Sbi Almqh symbolized the worship of the moon, a planetary celestial The Bran is the name Sbi the old section of the Paradise left in the land of Marib, and the Temple of Bran the throne of Bilqis is about 3 km from the city walls and its location as it is almost the center of the fields of Paradise left away from places of human settlement, there are about 3 km in the north-east Muharram Bilqis, the largest temple of the pilgrimage to Sbion the timings specified in the year, known as the Awam Temple or PM! Abdel-moon and the temple waiting for exploration teams archaeological come to him to complete what it started half a century ago up to reveal the details are buried under the sand Vezho his return to the light as shines on the throne of Bilqis, which was open to visitors and to complete the emergence of wonder of the world eighth impose the throne of Bilqis to any visitor to the land Gantin to stand and time with the date ponder the greatness of the human Yemeni three thousand years ago and the level of development of civilization integrated. team says drilling and excavation German led by Burkhard Vogt President of German Archaeological Institute in Sanaa (when it began exploration in 1888, there was nothing left of the throne of Bilqis only a low mound rise at the neighboring fields of about three meters and highlights in the above row of columns are spread around the stones Balkh demolished and some architectural elements broken, and during the four seasons of excavation and exploration, followed by the installation and restoration of monuments carefully with the help of a financial German, became the temple throne Balqees ready to receive visitors and open to the general people). There is no doubt that disclosure of the integrated to the throne of Bilqis in the Valley of Marib has brought attention to the cradle of civilization, Sabean and prompted the authorities and those interested in archeology and ancient civilizations to engage in projects, drilling and exploration and wide on the effects of civilizations of Yemen's old southern Arabian Peninsula, where there are about a dozen archaeological teams Western U.S. , French, German, Italian, Canadian, and Australian and other conducts drilling and exploration on the effects in Marib, Shabwa and Hadramout and pilgrimage father and Zabid, and other centers and capitals of the civilizations of Yemen old and declared expert archeological Yemeni President of the General Authority for Antiquities and Manuscripts, Dr. Yusuf Abdullah (The number of teams and archaeologists will arrive to Yemen in the coming weeks to begin the process of drilling and exploration during the new season, and among these missions archaeological mission belonging to the American Foundation for the study of man is made ​​up of archaeologists Americans, Canadians, and Poles, and Russians, and the Palestinians and to resume the p! Mlah excavation of the Temple of Awam or mahram Balqees which is located about 3 km to the east of the throne of biblical, which is the temple described by Professor Canadian Bill Gelanzman that he had become a wonder of the world eighth). and it is prohibited Balqees or Temple of the Moon over the age of three thousand years a teacher archaeological stunning surrounds a lot of Secrets of the greatness of the Kingdom of Sheba is an important part of world heritage and the team believes the exploration and drilling Archaeological that this temple was found during the period 1200 BC till 550 AD, and see Merlin Vljes head of the team archaeological (the forbidden Balqees amazing discovery did not see people for thousands of years) . It is interesting that when we visited the throne of Bilqis surprised Mr. Mabkhout interested Sharif official in the Directorate of the effects of Marib tells us that Hodhod Prophet Solomon peace be upon him is still alive and this is a place nest Vandhishna said to us: come researcher German to see the throne of Bilqis came Hodhod and stood in the highest throne I said to her jokingly This Hodhod Solomon. dams key of civilization was the dam of the great built Sbion and temples, the most important sign of achievement of their civilization and its height, in the tenth century BC, reached the high dam of Marib 16 meters and width 60 meters and a length of 620 meters, which means mathematically he can tell 9600 hectares of land, of which 5,300 people in plain south, and the rest of the plain north, was referred to the two Alshlain in the inscriptions Sabaean Marib and Alshlan 41 and indicates accurate expression in the Qur'an: (Two for the right and north) to the presence of gardens and vineyards in the two valleys or Alshlain, has become even areas of Yemen is rich in and productive thanks to the dam and its water. Proved to researchers: the French c. Hoefla and the Austrian Glaser that the Marib dam has created a long time ago. Troy and written documents in terms of "donkeys" This dam has been made ​​in the area of fertility and very tender. has been the reform of the dam during the fifth and sixth centuries AD, but these reforms did not prevent the dam from collapsing in 542 AD. Dam collapsed due to a flood Aerm mentioned by the Koran, which caused severe damage, have destroyed all the vineyards and orchards and gardens that remained Sbion sponsor them for several centuries on a reel of her father, after the collapse of the dam Sbion suffered from a long recession did not list them later ... This was the end of the elite, which began with the collapse of the dam. inscriptions written in the language of Sheba , "as used in the speech stream Aerm, the word Arm derived from the word Araiman used in the tone of the population south of the island, which means the dam, barrier, was found on the floor during the excavations carried out in southern Yemen, uses a lot to this effect on, for example: you use this word in the writings that were dictated by the "Abraha" Habashi, who ruled Yemen, after reconstruction and repair of the Marib Dam in 542 and 543 m to mean the dam barrier again. So the (Seal Aerm) means "a disaster flood that occurred after the crash of dam." (and Bdlnahm Bjntém two Zuta eat Khmt and tamarisks, and some of the Sidr few) (Saba: 16). ie, that the whole town had sunk after the collapse of the dam because of the flood, I have crashed all irrigation canals dug by Sbion, as well as the wall that Oncaoh build them barriers between the mountains, and no longer of the irrigation system of any existence, and so turned Paradise into the jungle, was left of the fruit thing, only fruits like cherry trees short of many roots. has recognized writer and archaeologist Christian Warner Keller, author of the Bible was true that "a flood Aerm has occurred as described in the Koran, and that occurred in that region, and that the loss of the entire region because of the collapse, but proves that the example mentioned in the Quran for a people who Gantin has occurred. After the disaster the dam, began to land in the area of desertification, and the people of Saba the most important sources of income they have with the disappearance of their agricultural land, and so was the consequence of people who turned away from God and raise his thanks, and divide people after this disaster, and began Sbion abandon their land migrants to the north of the island, Mecca and Syria. comes space temporal that I have occupied this disaster after the time of the Old Testament and New Testament, so it was not mentioned except in the Koran. stand the effects of Marib abandoned, which was one day home to Spian, like any of the signs of doom warning of those who repeat the sin of the people. became Sbion the owners of the greatest civilization has on irrigation after they construct Marib Dam with the latest technical means, we have allowed them to land fertile that they had owned and control the trade routes, to enjoy the prosperity and the prosperity that characterized the way of life, however, "turned away from God" that they should be grateful, Onamh thankful to him and, therefore, collapsed Sdhm and your family, "Seal Aerm" All his sons. Returned the day the dam Sbi famous once again to what it was the potential of irrigation the previous Quran tells us that the Queen of Sheba and her people who worship the sun instead of Allah before the tracking of Solomon, and describes the information carried by these patterns of this fact, and indicated they were worshiping the sun and the moon in their temples. After a long wait and anticipation is almost the Queen Queen of Sheba ascend told her throne the Sun Temple or the Temple of Pran in the land of Gantin to perform the rituals of worship that used to be performed by almost three thousand years to the worship of stars and planets, it is rebuilding the dam of Marib great mid-eighties of the twentieth century to the detection for the throne of Bilqis seems the land of Marib, Yemen, on the road to glory again trying to regain the luster of civilization in the southern Arabian Peninsula, but that Western archaeologists, who began excavation of Muharram biblical, or Temple of the Moon assert that they are on the way to detect the largest temple of the temples of civilizations old Yemeni The group of archaeological excavations at the American Foundation for the study of man that Muharram Balqees will be a wonder of the world eighth, where construction dates back, according to inscriptions found so far to the twelfth century BC!! and when she visited the Queen of Sheba, King Solomon and the Kingdom of Sheba, whose capital Marib Mriaba very rich skill of its people in the trade and control the time on the market as mentioned in the Bible that Balqees provided to Solomon gold, precious stones, Taiob in large quantities, and noted the Holy Quran to it and to the richness of Bilqis prosperity Sabaeans general, and in a dialogue between Solomon and the hoopoe, he says (and lose Bird said Mali do not see hoopoe or was absent, to Oazpinh severe suffering or Ozbhanh or to come to me with authority shown, he stayed not long and he said I took what was not disparaging him and I have come to the Saba news sure, I found a woman ruling the muster of everything and has a great throne). The Kingdom of Sheba control the caravan routes of trade between the southern Arabian Peninsula and north all the way to Egypt, Gaza, and Mesopotamia, and was Sbion export their produce on the incense and Taiob, perfumes and spices in these directions and they were playing the role of mediator with India, thanks to Mravihm the Indian Ocean and the religion of Saba are very close of religion and worship of the Babylonian Bmjusha planets and the two presidents were two Alalhan moon god, the god of the sun that is heading towards it Sbion to pray at dawn, and Sbion skilled farmers and builders of castles and palaces of distinctive architecture, and works of art. And excelled Sbion civilization of their own to protect them from invaders on the high mountains and vast deserts, and vast maritime areas to flourish and knew that they came to the very high level of prosperity. Marib was the capital of the most prosperous areas in that time. Noted Greek writer Pliny, who visited the manna!