Grotto is the jewel of tourism and the Lebanese legend told by the stone in the cavities and narrow coral and lobbies, halls and structures Nantha nature and it leaked water from the limestone hills of Lebanon to form with the passage of time a world of domes and sculptures and shapes, which tongue can not be described
Hundreds of thousands come every year to visit Jeita marvel of nature, and prevent the shot is aimed to keep it from hackers.
Deserve cave "Jeita" The so-called "Pearl of the Lebanese tourism" is an important station to attract tourists throughout the year.
And attract Grotto, one of the finest antiques in the Middle more natural than a quarter of the number of tourists in Lebanon's last year about 1.3 million according to figures from the Ministry of Tourism of Lebanon.
The cave is located in the Valley "River Dog" historic, which lies 18 kilometers north of Beirut, which consists of two cave lower (water) and high (dry).