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Facts and Secrets of the Pharaohs civilization, the first part

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  • Facts and Secrets of the Pharaohs civilization, the first part

    Civilization of the ancient Egyptians, or as sometimes called the Nile Valley civilization is a civilization arose
    Along the Nile River in northeastern Africa since the year 3000 BC. M. To the year 30 BC. M.
    Longer Mkutha civilization ancient world, the ancient Egyptian civilization mean of
    Geographically, that civilization, which originated the valley and the Nile Delta, where he was
    Lived the ancient Egyptians.
    It is the cultural aspect refers to the language of civilization
    The customs and rituals of their organization and manage their own life and administrative
    And their perception of the nature around them and their dealings with their neighbors.
    The River Nile
    Which revolves around ancient Egyptian civilization Npa over the eastern highlands of Ethiopia
    Africa and the headwaters of the Nile in southern Sudan, traveling from north Sudan to Egypt to come
    Flood every year to Ieve clay soil.
    This phenomenon is natural flood
    Egypt's economy has made a renewed sleep dependent mainly on agriculture.
    It helped
    The emergence of civilization is also the sky is free of clouds and sunshine almost throughout the supervisory
    Year to extend the ancient Egyptians Ialdfou and light.
    Egypt is also protected from neighbors
    West Sahara and the sea from the north and east, and the presence of waterfalls (rapids)
    Jnopappalnobp on the Nile, making it to the ground almost deserted.
    In this land back
    Two of the seven wonders of the world.
    They are the pyramids in Giza and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.
    This spatial stability and creativity while making the ancient Egyptian culture and their civilization over
    Their land.
    Creating science and literature, traditions, customs, literature and stories
    And myths, and left after them Nsgelat mural and manuscript on papyrus the root of this
    Innovative civilization.
    Vcedoa buildings huge pyramids, temples and cemeteries
    That have defied time.
    In addition to manuscripts, drawings, and color images Anakouchet
    , Which remained until today.
    The papyrus plant were being treated to make it the Atmarh
    Kind words and wrote the history, science, customs and traditions to be a message
    For their grandchildren and the world.
    They write it in the hieroglyphic
    Writing of a graphic symbol which reflects the image are known.
    And concepts invented in the
    Account and studied engineering, medicine and dentistry and worked with the calendar according to
    Their observations of the sun and the stars (see: the stone circles).
    Although the ancient Egyptians
    They worshiped many gods, but that the invitation appeared on the unification of God by King
    Akhenaten. They are also the first to Souroaptda doctrine of life in the Hereafter.
    These concepts
    Were not found with other peoples.
    And built and decorated the graves and decorated their
    Ptothitha to live the life eternal.
    Egypt was the superpower and the world the old
    The political influence often extends its influence to neighboring countries in east Asia
    Ba Friqia and west. Heart and to the south of Somalia and Puntland.
    The ancient
    Egyptians call their land Kemet Kimmitt any land that the black gives the Nile
    Silt was also called rational Deshret any ground reference to the color red
    Sands of the desert burning under the sun.
    The abundance of water could flood them
    Ivimon network for irrigation, agriculture and manufactured boat traffic, transport and fishing
    And gave them the land, jewels, precious metals such as gold, silver and copper.
    They exchange goods with neighboring countries. The history of Egypt we find the start since

    And was the region where he was attracted by the Hachaicip plains for grazing and climate
    Was welcoming and the lakes of water Alomtaralamosmep. The monuments show that they
    There were settlers caring for livestock. They left after them in large buildings
    6000 BC. m. And their descendants after 2000 years have been driven to the Nile Valley and established a civilization
    Ancient Egyptian, especially after Oagafrat this pastoral region and climate change.
    And settled in the year 4000 BC. m. Upper Egypt, especially in the Nizhne old upholstery (Article)
    And Abydos (Article) (see: Badari). Agriculture began in the town of Badari
    Six 5000 BC. m. Cullen and Fayoum settlers before planting Badari thousand years. The
    Mermaid in the Delta city on its western border since 4500 BC. m. In the city of Bhutto
    Emerged pottery decorated pottery different from the one in Upper Egypt. There was
    Difference between the ancient Egyptians between Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt in the belief
    And way of burying the dead, and architecture. The King Menes in 3100 BC. m. And united the two countries
    (Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt). He put on his head symbolizes eutrofication white face
    And red tribal face the sea. And make the King of Memphis Memphis Mena, DC
    Standard and was located west of the Nile at Giza, Abydos cemetery property, which
    Moved to Saqqara during the era of the Old Kingdom ..

    The population of Egypt before the Dynastic Period (5000 BC. m. - 3000 BC. m.) does not exceed hundreds of
    Thousands, during the Old Kingdom (2575 BC. m. -2134 BC. m.) amounted to 2 million
    People during the Middle Kingdom (2040 BC. m. --1,640 BC. m.) increased in number and during the
    New Kingdom (1550 BC. m. - 1070 BC. m.) total number of 3 to 4 million
    People. In the Hellenistic era (332 BC. m. - 30 BC. m.) reached number 7 million.
    Egypt and then entered the Roman era. The Egyptians are adjacent river. It
    The agricultural community of Memphis and a good two important when each capital city

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