As you know Scanner Nemfis was manufactured by Russian Science Academy at 2002 years. From that time we have collect big statistic of search work with Nemfis by archeologists, geophysics, engineers and other specialists from different institutes of Russian Science Academy complex and local customers.
We can say with confidence that scanner Nemfis is the first in the world that can give to operator with such accuracy underground conductivity spread. Operator visualize maps from each 14 freqs in real time. We have made the system that give you 3D graphic of underground 8m layer of conductivity spread, thats very simple to analyze. With this scanner you can easily find following objects: ferrous and non-ferrous metal objects, cavity, ceramic or organic objects, and else. Maximum deep of scanning – 8m. For example object 20х20cm it is possible to find at 3m underground, metal object 100×200cm possible to find at 6,5m underground.
Every non-professional user can learn to work with scanner and analyze the graphic information in very short time.
Scanner has unique patent technology of receiving and analyzing electromagnetic waves. This searching device generate electromagnetic waves by 14 different frequencies from 2,5 to 250 kHz.
Now we are start to export the first non-contact scanners that can receive full and very accuracy 3D information about underground 8m layer of conductivity spread in real-time.
You can order Ground Scanner Nemfis by contact with us through this form.
We can say with confidence that scanner Nemfis is the first in the world that can give to operator with such accuracy underground conductivity spread. Operator visualize maps from each 14 freqs in real time. We have made the system that give you 3D graphic of underground 8m layer of conductivity spread, thats very simple to analyze. With this scanner you can easily find following objects: ferrous and non-ferrous metal objects, cavity, ceramic or organic objects, and else. Maximum deep of scanning – 8m. For example object 20х20cm it is possible to find at 3m underground, metal object 100×200cm possible to find at 6,5m underground.
Every non-professional user can learn to work with scanner and analyze the graphic information in very short time.
Scanner has unique patent technology of receiving and analyzing electromagnetic waves. This searching device generate electromagnetic waves by 14 different frequencies from 2,5 to 250 kHz.
Now we are start to export the first non-contact scanners that can receive full and very accuracy 3D information about underground 8m layer of conductivity spread in real-time.
You can order Ground Scanner Nemfis by contact with us through this form.